Our Research Interest

Metabolic Fitness



Immunometabolism is an emerging field of research that explores the intricate relationship between the immune system and metabolic processes. This interdisciplinary domain examines how metabolic pathways influence immune cell differentiation and function and how immune responses, in turn, affect metabolic homeostasis.

Our lab investigates various aspects of immunometabolism, including:

Through our research, we aim to advance the understanding of how metabolic and immune systems interact, ultimately leading to improved strategies for managing and treating a range of diseases.


Tissue Immunity

Tissue immunity refers to the specialized immune responses that occur within specific tissues and organs of the body. This field of study focuses on how immune cells and factors interact within different tissue environments to maintain homeostasis, defend against pathogens, and modulate tissue repair and inflammation.

In our lab, we explore several key areas of tissue immunity:

Our lab is dedicated to advancing the understanding of tissue immunity to improve the management of diseases and enhance tissue health.

Dura Imaging
Personalized Cancer Vaccine


Cancer Immunology

Cancer immunology is the study of the complex interactions between the immune system and cancer cells. This field aims to understand how the immune system recognizes and combats cancer, as well as how tumors evade immune surveillance and develop resistance to treatments.

In our lab, we focus on several critical areas of cancer immunology:

Our goal is to advance the understanding of cancer-immunity dynamics to improve treatment, and management of cancer.


T Cell Biology

As a key immune cell population of adaptive immunity, T cells are essential for recognizing and responding to pathogens, as well as for maintaining immune system balance and memory.

In our lab, we focus on several key areas of T cell biology:

Our research is dedicated to advancing the understanding of T cell biology to better understand the chronic immune diseases and to enhance immune-based therapies and improve disease management.

LXR controls Tfh cells